
674 Ton, 80.14 oz. HAITIAN Mars Series II Injection Molding Machine


Servo Hydraulic, Energy Efficient Machine | Tonnage: 674 US | Shot Size: 80.14 oz. | Screw Diameter: 3.35'' | Toggle Stroke: 35.43in | Mold Platen Dims: 51.97" x 51.18" | Space Between Tie Bars: 34.65" x 34.65" | Max Mold Height: 34.65" | Min Mold Height: 14.96" | Max Daylight: 35.43" | Injection Rate: 20.04 oz/sec | Injection Speed: 4.33 in/sec | Injection Pressure 26397 psi | Plasticizing Capacity: 2.52 oz/sec | Screw Speed 0-145 rpm | Ejector Stroke: 9.45" | Voltage: 460/3/60 | Control: KEBA 4030 | Options: SPI Robot Interface; Dual Air Blow; Dual Core Pull; Water Manifolds, Hopper and Slide Gate; Feed Throat Temperature Control with Solenoid Valve; UL & CSA Approved Components; SPI Mold Mounting Pattern, Bolt Holes, and Knockout Pattern; Standard Haitian H Screw, Nitrided Barrel & Screw Tip; Safety Drop Bar


ModelMars II 6000/4500
Stock Number8630
Length379" (32')
Width84" (7')
Height105" (8.8'H)
Weight63945 lbs